Nothing much really happened on this day. I took a early morning flight from Gold Coast to Melbourne. Checked into my accommodation here at Farrer Halls at about 1 something in the afternoon. Then for the rest of the day, I just went exploring the surrounding areas nearby. Got my dinner and a few other stuffs. Pretty accomplishing by my standards.
Tuesday - Thursday
On these 3 days were my orientation over at Uni. Practically, they just have all kinds of activities to help us settle in, help us familiarise ourself with the campus area, and practically just letting us have fun and enjoy ourselves. On tuesday however, we went to Chinatown for sightseeing. Sorry, no pictures because I totally forgot about bringing the camera. In fact, I forgot that I actually DID bring the camera with me. No, I didn't lose it again. It's still with me. That is why you will be seeing photos in the next section.
Well, Nothing much happened in the day, as ever. Everything started after 6.45pm. That was the time that the busses were supposed to leave the Halls of Residence to this place called Red Scooter for our welcoming dinner. With Malaysians in the group, it is expected that delays would happen. Hence, the busses only left about 7pm to 710pm like that.
Red Scooter was a really happening place. It is suitable for our dinner as well. We were greeted with free drinks. As the alcoholic I am, of course I took the white wine available. I actually wanted to try the champagne thought, but I was afraid that it wouldn't be nice and I do not want to waste my free drink. As you can see in the photo, those are the people I sat with. And for your information, no one on my table was doing Bachelor of Business and Commerce. Most of them were doing science and there were some odd ones whereby they took arts and engineering. There were actually exchange students taking business and commerce. They were all over at another table. All sticking to their own field. I guess who was the smarter one? Them or me?
That out of the way, here are some photos worth posting up, becuase I have to pay for my internet now I would not post every single photo I took. It's going to cost me a bomb if I do that. So I'll just put up those that I think are worth seeing. If you want to see the rest, you will just have to see me personally. Which I would not know exactly when that is.
The girls in the centre are actually doing Mass Communication over at Gippsland. They were here temporarily for the orietation. Then the other 2 person on both side would be my course mates. They are also here on exchange for a period of one year. Guess I wouldn't be alone after all. And the last guy in the centre is actually a friend of one of my friend back in Taylor College. He was our tourguide when we went Chinatown on Tuesday.
In this picture, you will have one and a half table combined. All of them are Malaysian students. To tell the truth, it is rather hard to get Malaysians off their butts and do a single thing. Even taking a photo, I have to persuade some of them for about a minute. Can you believe that. A minute! Malaysians. They bring their conservativeness everywhere, even across borders and oceans.
You know what they say about elaving the best for last? Well, I'm leaving the best photo I took of that night til last. This is by far the best photo taken by my camera. She was sitting on my table as well. She's doing arts in Clayton. I do not deny that she's hot. Don't we just look so nice together? Joking...
I guess that's it for now. I'll update again when I have a jumble of stuff. Because I have to pay for my internet everytime I open a new window, so the frequency of me updating would be less but the content might be longer. L'oncle Ben signing off...
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